Sunday, April 17, 2011

MiO May Be Italian For Mine, but I Don't Want It.

Hello Lovelies!

I need to drink more water. Half the time when we think we are hungry, it is just our bodies saying that we need more water! But I am not a fan of straight-up water.

I buy cute pink bottles for my water, I even have a fuscia Brita pitcher, and I'd like my drinking water to not feel like a chore.

Then I saw an ad for MiO, a liquid water enhancer. Basically, you add a few drops of it to your water and it transforms it to something delicious and more fun.

I went to Target today to pick one up, I also had a lovely coupon for $1 off any MiO. I decided to get the "Berry Pomegranate" flavor.

So I put a drop in.

Nothing. Still tasted like water. So I shook it. And then, it tasted a little sour. I decided to add another squirt. Then I took another gulp.

And it reminded me of something. I was hoping it would remind me of my favorite juice ever, which is Minute Maid Pomegranate Blueberry, but oh no. Totally not.

When you get a CT scan, you are instructed to drink a disgusting compound, Barium Sulfate Suspension, it basically makes your insides glow for the scan, and words cannot describe how horrible it is.

Well, that's what this MiO reminded me of. Nowhere, as horrible, but the after-taste just reminds me of that horrible compound.

Barely taste any pomegranate, a bit too sour, and can't identify the "berry" in it. It has this artificial sugar-syrup flavor, which tastes disgustingly fake.

I hoped it would be an amazing zero calorie drink but I am ready to go get a plan glass of water! And it didn't do pretty swirly-magic like the ads show!




In case you are curious, these cost about $3.50 for 24 servings and available at Target, Walmart and some major grocery stores! I think I'll stick to Crystal Lite!!

Anyone try MiO before? Get a CT scan and now about that awful crap they make you drink?!

♥ Chelsea

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about that - what a waste.

    ***** Marie *****
