Friday, January 1, 2010



I hope that this year treats you kindly and brings happiness to you and your loved ones!

I thought to start of the year I'd do some resolutions!

1) LOSE WEIGHT! I'm tired of people saying to me I need a better body to match my "pretty face". I know I need to! I have my thyroid regulated and I'm planning on losing 60ish lbs. I know its A LOT! But God has graced me with a 6 foot frame to spread the extra weight and it would put me in a healthy area! I actually don't like giving an actual number of pounds to lose but honestly? I don't own a scale, I'm gonna go by how happy I am with myself! WORK OUT AGAIN!!!

2) SLEEP! This semester I probably slept a good 4 hours (if that!) every night! And that hurt my grades! I was not retaining everything while I was a zombie! I'm going to aim for 7-8 hours a night! This should also help me lose weight! Sleep is key to weight loss and happiness!

3) GO BACK TO STRAIGHT A'S! I did it all last year but because of my horrible sleep patterns, my grades dropped! Not horrendously but they weren't all A's which is something I take a lot of pride in!

That is all I can think of right now! Oh and maybe find myself a guy! Its so hard being surrounding by friends who already are in long term relationships and completely in love!

Again, HAPPY 2010!

Thank you and ♥ you!

♥ Chelsea

1 comment:

  1. 6 feet tall?!! Oh my gosh I'm so jealous I'm a shrimp in comparison! haha
